César Blecua Udías (Valencia, 1972) is involved in teaching and research. Closely related to both activities, he writes computer software, with a strong focus in creating tools that can be used by students, researchers, architects, and the general public. He’s also the coordinator of the Orfeón and Camerata (choir and chamber orchestra) of the University. When he was a teenager, he heard a computer artist say: “a painter won’t tell other people to paint blue here and green there: rather, he will just take the brush and paint; the same goes for a computer artist: you must write your own software if you want to create your own art”. This idea, almost like a motto, has been ever-present throughout his career, even if he will also use existing software when the purpose requires it. His research takes place mainly in computational geometry, numerical simulation, general purpose programming in GPUs, and computer graphics. Results from his research include: software tools for the analysis and design of structures in Architecture; CFD code coupled with heat transfer, suitable for simulating the thermodynamics of Mediterranean courtyards; Radiosity code for natural and artificial light; a quadrilateral mesher; a hardware-accelerated image compositing application; software for 3D modeling and rendering; as well as other assorted tools and programming libraries. Educated as an architect, he graduated from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) in 2004. He earned his PhD with the highest honors in 2017 at the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera. Courses: Structural Mechanics (Fundamentals in Architecture), Steel Structures (Fundamentals in Architecture), Technical Development of Projects I (Fundamentals in Architecture), Concrete Structures (Fundamentals in Architecture), Technical Development of Projects II (Fundamentals in Architecture), Technical Development of Projects III (Fundamentals in Architecture), Development Presentation and Defense of Final Degree Project (Architecture), New Technologies (Dentistry) Links blog: https://medios.uchceu.es/elrotativo/2019/07/17/11017/ https://medios.uchceu.es/actualidad-ceu/un-mundo-de-musica-en-la-universidad/ https://medios.uchceu.es/actualidad-ceu/nuevas-promociones-eset-ceu17-el-diseno-del-futuro-profesional-la-construccion-de-una-carrera/ https://www.uchceu.es/grupos-lineas-investigacion/metodos-computacionales-para-la-modelizacion-de-procesos-fisicos-putthephysicsinthecomputer
Curriculum Vitae (CVN)